Five Delicious Detoxing Smoothies for a Healthier Lifestyle - Teatox Australia

Our modern lives, although wonderful and full of exciting adventures, can sometimes make us feel rained of energy, tired or stressed. In some cases, the impact can be as significant as leading to digestive problems due to our hectic eating patterns and stressful jobs. If you are not feeling yourself these days, maybe it is time to consider a detoxing diet.  

Getting rid of the toxins in your body is an excellent way of helping your metabolism get on the right track, and what better way of doing so that with the help of delicious and nutritious detoxing smoothies?

A detoxing diet will increase your energy, help with your diet, and improve the aspect of your skin, not to mention it will help with any digestive issues you might be having. And if you are going to follow a detoxing diet based on smoothies, you are also going to enjoy it. We’ve put together five of the most delicious and healthy detoxing smoothies for you to experiment with. Let’s see what they are:

Green Smoothie

We’ll start with the green smoothie are there are countless ways in which you can prepare one, you just need to let your imagination un wild You can prepare a green smoothie with avocado, green apple, kiwi, parsley, broccoli, arugula, green salad or any other green fruit or vegetable that you love. If you have a high tolerance for greens and are not afraid of how vegetables might taste in smoothies, you can choose to add more vegetables, as these type of green smoothies are healthier and more beneficial. If you are more of a fruit person you can either add more fruits or improve the taste of the smoothie with berries, yogurt or even coconut milk.

Regardless of the green smoothie you are going to prepare for your detoxing diet, we guarantee that the effects will soon be noticeable and who knows, you might even like it so much that you will end up making it a regular thing. You can never have too many greens.

Spinach and Apple Smoothies

For an antioxidant and energetic smoothie, turn to another green miracle: the spinach and apple smoothie. Did you know that spinach is high in antioxidants, iron, vitamins K and C and also a great energizer? In fact, a smoothie based on spinach can give you more energy than your morning coffee.

For this smoothie, you will need: 2 hands of spinach leaves, fresh apple juice, the juice from half a lemon and some natural sweetener such as agave syrup in case you prefer your smoothies with a sweeter taste. Mix them all into a blender and your delicious detoxing energizer is ready.

Black Smoothie

If great taste is what you are looking for in a detoxing smoothie, than you will love this next smoothie. You will need: half a cup of blueberries, half of avocado, one banana and half a cup of almond milk. This smoothie is the perfect gluten and dairy free solution for your detoxing needs. It is high in antioxidants from the blueberries and a great ally when it comes to fighting premature aging. Also, it offers you a great dose of potassium.

Celery and Apple Smoothie

Want to throw weight loss into the mix alongside your detoxing diet? Than this is the perfect smoothie for it. If you are planning on combining a weight loss diet with a detoxing one, there is not better smoothie the apple and celery one.

What you will be needing: juice from a lemon, a skinless apple, a few green salad leaves, some parsley, celery leaves, half a carrot and as much water as you need. Throw them all into the mixer and enjoy your detoxing/fat burning smoothie.

Mango and Kale Smoothie

Another energizing drink, this smoothie is also great for lowering your bad cholesterol levels and improving the functions of your digestive system.

What you will be needing: half of a kale cabbage, one mango, two oranges and fresh mint, a scoop of avocado and water (or ice). Mix them all together in the blender until they are of the right consistency and enjoy.


All of these smoothies are excellent in your detoxing diet, easy to prepare, easy to digest, not to mention delicious. And remember that there are tons of other recipes you can try, you just need to find the one that best suits your needs and taste. Keep in mind that these smoothies are best consumed fresh, but you can keep them in the refrigerator for up to three days, if needed.


What are your favorite detoxing smoothies? Share your recipes with us and let us know if you are also throwing our Teatox products into the mix, they can easily substitute the water in your smoothies.

Share your thoughts with the Teatox Australia community on Facebook and Instagram and don’t forget start planning your detoxing smoothie-based diet today.

DetoxingDietGreenSmoothieTeatoxWeight loss

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