TA Blog

Top 3 Anti-Aging Workouts
When it comes to exercise, everybody knows the wonders exercise has in regards to weight loss, energy, and similar health benefits. However, exercise isn’t just only about these things, exercise can be a part of a full-blown anti-ageing regime as well. This is due to the fact that our bone mass and tissue connections naturally deteriorate with age and exercise can help strengthen

Top Herbs That Boost Brain Function
Boosting your brain function sometimes can take more than the obvious suggestions such as adopting a healthy diet and exercise program or quit drinking and smoking. Even though we should follow these basic guidelines first, there are some alternative and supplemental ways to boost your cognitive function and that includes consuming certain herbs regularly either in tincture, pill, or plain tea form.

Superfood and Low Calorie Soups For the Winter
During the cold winter months, there is nothing cozier and more comforting than sipping a cup of tea near your fireplace or enjoying a nice, creamy soup for dinner. The problem is that many soups, especially canned and store-bought ones, are loaded with fat, calories and preservatives you really don’t want to put in your system.