Top 3 Anti-Aging Workouts - Teatox Australia

Top 3 Anti-Aging Workouts

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When it comes to exercise, everybody knows the wonders exercise has in regards to weight loss, energy, and similar health benefits. However, exercise isn’t just only about these things, exercise can be a part of a full-blown anti-ageing regime as well. This is due to the fact that our bone mass and tissue connections naturally deteriorate with age and exercise can help strengthen 

Top Herbs That Boost Brain Function - Teatox Australia

Top Herbs That Boost Brain Function

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Boosting your brain function sometimes can take more than the obvious suggestions such as adopting a healthy diet and exercise program or quit drinking and smoking. Even though we should follow these basic guidelines first, there are some alternative and supplemental ways to boost your cognitive function and that includes consuming certain herbs regularly either in tincture, pill, or plain tea form.

Superfood and Low Calorie Soups For the Winter - Teatox Australia

Superfood and Low Calorie Soups For the Winter

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During the cold winter months, there is nothing cozier and more comforting than sipping a cup of tea near your fireplace or enjoying a nice, creamy soup for dinner. The problem is that many soups, especially canned and store-bought ones, are loaded with fat, calories and preservatives you really don’t want to put in your system.

Feeling bloated? Here is what to drink! - Teatox Australia

Feeling bloated? Here is what to drink!

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Everyone has experienced problems with bloating, nausea, upset stomach and just plain discomfort at least once in their lives. In fact, the Gut Foundation Australia reports that almost half of the Australian population complains of a digestive issue within a 12 month period.

How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle After the Holidays - Teatox Australia

How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle After the Holidays

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The Christmas holidays are arguably the time of year many of us look forward to more than any season. It’s a period when most of us can take a step back from the frenetic pace of balancing life’s responsibilities and work duties, reconnect with loved ones, and take a much-needed rest.

How to Detox Quickly After The Holidays - Teatox Australia

How to Detox Quickly After The Holidays

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Since holidays always involve indulging in extra rich foods and drinks, it’s actually very common to gain a few pounds following the holiday period. Imagine that a single piece of roasted turkey with skin on is more than 250 calories. If you add

Healthy & Festive Tea Blends For The Holidays - Teatox Australia

Healthy & Festive Tea Blends For The Holidays

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Χ-mas holidays are less than two weeks away and (almost) everyone is anticipating to spend the holidays with their loved ones and have a great time. From decorating your home to baking cookies, every little thing counts and places us in a festive mood.

Tea Recipes for PMS and Stomach Problems - Teatox Australia

Tea Recipes for PMS and Stomach Problems

Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

If you are a woman at a reproductive age, you know exactly that feeling of starting your period and all these horrible PMS symptoms that come with it such as stomach pains, nausea, headaches, moodiness, fatigue, and the list goes on

Gluten-free ‘toast’ ideas: The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread! - Teatox Australia

Gluten-free ‘toast’ ideas: The Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

Many people nowadays start their day off with a piece of toast and a tea or coffee for breakfast - plain toast with butter or jam will always remain a classic breakfast choice, but what happens to those that are gluten-intolerant?

5 Smart Tips & Tricks To Make Healthy Food Taste Better - Teatox Australia

5 Smart Tips & Tricks To Make Healthy Food Taste Better

Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

Ever tried to follow a healthy diet but quickly abandoned it because the food tasted bland and just plain unappetizing? This was an issue some time ago where people thought only boring boiled veggies were healthy, but not anymore. 

5 Essential Nutrients For Female Health - Teatox Australia

5 Essential Nutrients For Female Health

Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

Up until 50 years ago, doctors would often approach nutrition as a unisex and general matter--but the concept of women having different nutritional needs than men soon emerged as doctors were able to see the needs for certain nutrients at times when women entered a new stage in their life.

How To Stay Motivated Throughout your Diet and Exercise Program - Teatox Australia

How To Stay Motivated Throughout your Diet and Exercise Program

Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

Everybody wants a great looking figure with minimal effort - in fact, if we could magically transform ourselves with a magic wand, then we’d all be doing it, but the harsh reality is that it takes a lot of time and effort to see substantial results in our figure.