TA Blog

Why Cycling is One of Your Best Choices for an Active Lifestyle
An active and healthy lifestyle, although it doesn’t always come easy, is the liaison that keeps everything in our lives at satisfactory levels. Looking to lose weight? Eat healthy and stay active.

Learn How to Proficiently Fight Cellulite
Cellulite is one of our biggest enemies and one the most troublesome skin issue that affects women of all ages. These are also the reasons for which we would do pretty much anything and would buy any type of creams in order to prevent or eradicate it.

The Truth Behind Some of the Most Popular Healthy Eating Habits
More and more people are interested in leading a healthier life and making the necessary changes in order to feel and look better. But unfortunately, due to the fact that most of us can’t pause our busy lives and properly cater to the needs of our body, we end up choosing “healthy” foods from supermarket shelves or listen to random advice about what we should or shouldn’t eat.
A Teatox Australia Review

What You Should Eat Before and After Going to the Gym
People who go to the gym need to obey different nutrition rules than those who chose not to exercise, even if we are talking about losing weight and keeping strict diets. In order to deal with all the effort, your body needs your “before and after” the gym meals to be in accordance with your workout.

Everything You Need to Know about Negative Calories
One of the hardest parts of weight loss and dieting is seeing that your results are not as satisfying as you wanted them to be, especially if on the surface, you’re doing everything right. Sometimes, all you need is a trick or secret to get from mediocre results to astonishing ones, things like a little bit more workout during the day, a Teatox in the morning or a magic meal that will help your metabolism burn more fat.

Six Steps for Getting Rid of Bad Habits and Leading a Healthy Life
Whether we are talking about sugar cravings, leading a sedentary life,, smoking, drinking or worrying too much, bad habits have a way of clinging to our lives and making it close to impossible to enjoy our bodies and minds at the best of our capacities.

How to Have a Flat Stomach without Dieting or Working Out
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? We’re not saying that working out and dieting will not bring results, or that you can lay on the couch all day and still have perfect abs, but there are indeed a few tricks that will help you stay in shape even without diets and exercises. What’s the catch then?

Everything You Need to Know about Exercising in Hot Weather
With the joys of summer also come the troubles of dealing with extremely hot temperatures and discomfort, which, in most cases, can be tremendously harmful for your body, especially when subjected to physical efforts.