The Happy Diet: The Mediterranean Lifestyle - Teatox Australia

The Happy Diet: The Mediterranean Lifestyle

dietTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

When it comes to dieting, there is no doubt that there are plenty of methods we can chose from, some better than others, some healthier than others.

Is Cheating During a Diet Really Bad for You? - Teatox Australia

Is Cheating During a Diet Really Bad for You?

dietTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

It can be extremely easy to start a diet with determination and will-power but somewhere along the way, many people find themselves giving up on the challenge.

Five Delicious Detoxing Smoothies for a Healthier Lifestyle - Teatox Australia

Five Delicious Detoxing Smoothies for a Healthier Lifestyle

detoxingTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

Our modern lives, although wonderful and full of exciting adventures, can sometimes make us feel rained of energy, tired or stressed.

The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain - Teatox Australia

The Relationship between Stress and Weight Gain

lifestyleTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

As we all know, the primary causes of gaining weight are improper nutrition and lack of physical exercise.

Learn How to Turn Your Diet into a Fun and Exciting Adventure - Teatox Australia

Learn How to Turn Your Diet into a Fun and Exciting Adventure

dietTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

You can say a lot of things about diets but very few people will refer to them as fun or exciting. The truth is that, as amazing and fulfilling the results of a diet can be, as painful the diet. But does this have to be the case of all diets? Aren’t there some tips and tricks we can apply that can turn our dieting days into fun and exciting adventures?

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Lose Weight by Following the Eating Habits of the Skinny - Teatox Australia

Lose Weight by Following the Eating Habits of the Skinny

dietTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

When we see perfect-looking people we think that they must be on some kind of strict diet or going to the gym all day, every day, in order to maintain their figure. Or in other cases, we envy them for inheriting such a great metabolism.

All You Need to Know about the Health Benefits of Bananas - Teatox Australia

All You Need to Know about the Health Benefits of Bananas

bananasTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

Bananas are almost everyone’s go-to fruit. We can use them to make ice cream, put them in healthy shakes, or eat them as a snack between meals. Aside from the fact that they are incredibly tasty, bananas also have numerous health benefits and improve your well-being.

Tips and Tricks for a Faster Weight Loss in 2016 - Teatox Australia

Tips and Tricks for a Faster Weight Loss in 2016

2016Teatox Australia Pty Ltd

This is the year in which we are going to look fabulous, this is the year in which we are going to lose all that extra weight and get into shape, right? We all make New Year’s resolutions that end up being recycled for the next year due to the fact that we were too stressed or too busy to fulfill them.

How to Keep Your Skin Looking Younger for Longer - Teatox Australia

How to Keep Your Skin Looking Younger for Longer

agingTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

Have you ever wondered what makes your skin lose its glow and youthful appearance with the passing of the years? When we think about wrinkles or aging, we usually think about the exterior effects of time, and not about what truly happens inside of us that makes our skin lose its elasticity..

Lose Weight the Healthy Way with the Pumpkin Diet

autumnTeatox Australia Pty Ltd

Autumn is here, and with it come a lot of healthy foods that can help you in your efforts of achieving the perfect summer body. It’s the best time to start, as the amount of time will not only be enough for your body to get into shape, but also enough for your food habits to chance and your lifestyle to improve.

How to Lose Weight While Sleeping - Teatox Australia

How to Lose Weight While Sleeping

dietPixel Union

With 2016 shaping up to be a busy a challenging year, you need all the help you can get when it comes to dieting and losing weight. As you probably already know, losing weight and maintaining yourself can sometimes be one of the most difficult things you have to do. Not to mention that it can require a lot of effort and time from your part.