Is your weight-loss diet unhealthy? Signs that you should reconsider your diet habits…

Marina Andreas

The importance of following a healthy and balanced diet is a topic emphasized again and again by doctors and nutritionists alike. Yet, there are lots of diet trends that may seem popular but aren't healthy in the long run. If you experience any of these signs, you should definitely change your diet.

5 Hidden Health Factors That Influence Your Diet’s Success

Marina Andreas

Have you ever tried to get rid of your extra weight through diet or exercise but weren’t very successful, despite your vigorous attempts?. If you are following a diet and exercise regime religiously but the scale still won't go down, perhaps you should find out if any of these health factors make weight loss extra hard...

4 Awesome Healthier Alternatives to your Favorite Fast-Food & Drinks

Marina Andreas

Whether we wish to admit it or not, we all have devoured a burger or pizza countless of times. The cost, however, is big for our body and health. If you wish to enjoy your favorite fast foods minus the guilt, here some healthier yet equally delicious alternatives...

4 Mild Exercise Ideas for Mature Ladies

Marina Andreas

A secret to achieving longevity and slowing down the aging process is definitely mindful exercise. If you are 45+ and wish to keep yourself fit in a healthy manner, here are some mild yet efficient exercises that will help keep your muscles toned and your posture balanced. 

“Intuitive” Eating: How this new diet trend can benefit your health and body line

Marina Andreas

Have you heard of the latest diet trend? Intuitive eating is a smart eating behavior which calls for eating only when we really feel hungry and stop when eating full. Learn how to apply mindful and intuitive eating to keep your waistline and health under control.

Post-Holiday Diet Tips: How To Lose Weight Gained In The Holidays Fast

Marina Andreas

Have the holidays left you with some extra weight as usual? This actually pretty common. Don't stress, thanks to the tips highlighted in the article, you can lose weight as fast as you have gained it...

3+1 Tips To Easily Achieve Your 2019 Fitness Goals

fitness goal mistakesMarina Andreas

Have you failed again and again to achieve your new year's fitness goals and resolutions? If yes, then you are probably doing something wrong. Find out what mistakes you are making and how to achieve your 2019 fitness goals easily in this article...

How To Restart Your Metabolism

Marina Andreas

Have you ever experienced a sluggish metabolism or generally have trouble losing weight (and keeping it)? Here are some tips to help kickstart your metabolism and make it function at its peak so you can lose weight easily and fast.

Healthy Vegeterian Meal Ideas Under 300 Calories

Marina Andreas

Are you a vegetarian with a genuine concern about your weight? If you wish to keep following a vegan diet that makes you lose weight without depriving yourself of nutrients, here are some healthy and delicious vegan meal ideas under 300 calories to try out...

Kitchen Tools You Need To Eat Healthier

Marina Andreas

A smaller yet still important part of a healthy meal prep routine and a healthy diet, in general, is the actual tools you use to cook healthy meals. If you don’t have any of these items, you better invest in them and leave them exposed at a spot in the kitchen where you can see them and be reminded of making healthy meals...

Weight Loss Mistakes That Slow Down Your Progress

Marina Andreas

If you have tried dieting already for a while, but don’t seem to make much progress, you may be doing something wrong, either in your diet or your exercise regimes. Here are some reasons why your weight loss diet simply doesn’t work as expected...

5 Workout Tips From Professional Athletes To Follow

Marina Andreas

Professional athletes follow intense workout diet regimes on a daily basis to stay fit and keep their performance in tip-top condition. And while we don’t have to do the same things as athletes do, we can “borrow” a few tips from them that will help us get fit and recover faster, when working out. Here they are...